EVVIN412.ZIP 4,973 12-03-94 Evansville, IN BBS List.
GAYLST.ZIP 5,224 11-10-94 The Florida list of Gay/Bi boards.
GSBBS023.ZIP 145,612 11-01-94 The Garden State BBS List Nov 1994 Areacodes (201, 609, 908).
GTNL1001.ZIP 23,300 10-01-94 GT Network Nodelist, released October 01,199 Prepared by SNC Jim Knight, 064/000-001and PNC Jack Hazel, 081/001. Please forwardany and all updates to Jim Knight or JackHazel.
HM941113.ZIP 9,119 11-13-94 Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List.
KBL1094A.ZIP 5,840 10-16-94 Knoxville Area BBS list.
MCBL0894.ZIP 2,046 10-19-94 List of BBS's that have special interest inmissing children.
NJBBS149.ZIP 26,530 12-01-94 New Jersey's Largest Most ComprehensiveListing of BBS'.
NOBBS104.ZIP 15,959 10-19-94 New Orleans BBS List. Area Code 504.
ONLINEWL.ZIP 329,165 09-19-94 The Online World resources handbook v1.7.Describes the breadth of the offerings byfocusing on selected applications on majorglobal networks and services includingInternet, CompuServe, Fidonet, Usenet andBITNET.
OS2WORLD.ZIP 78,595 12-06-94 OS/2 BBS's Across the World List. IncludesTE/2 dialing directories.
QBBSL001.ZIP 37,669 11-01-94 The QuickBBS BBS List. InternationalListing of BBS Systems utilizing theQuickBBS Bulletin Board Software.
RETS1104.ZIP 84,415 11-04-94 Retsof's Area Code (512) BBS' in theAustin, Corpus Christi, Victoria,Kingsville Texas area.
SBI1294.ZIP 20,194 11-28-94 Guide to Select BBS's on the Internet. Themost comprehensive listing of BBS'saccessible via TELNET or RLOGIN on theInternet. 38 NEW systems since the 11/94edition of the SBI list (73 total systemsin 12/94).
SLCNOV94.ZIP 3,283 11-20-94 Current Salt Lake City area BBSLIST.
SUPRT411.ZIP 19,649 11-24-94 Technical Support BBS List. Over 550 BBS'sthat are run by Commercial & SharewareHardware/Software Manufacturers for thesupport of their products.
TABBSNOV.ZIP 25,740 11-01-94 Tacoma Washington Area BBS List andNewsletter.
WINDIR11.ZIP 130,830 11-01-94 Houston Texas Windows Directories forProcomm Plus for Windows v1.x & 2.
WINDIR11.ZIP 130,830 11-01-94
0994SON.ZIP 11,178 09-15-94 SON-net. For the discussion of Biblicalmatters from a Bible-Believing Christianperspective.
12STEPZ.ZIP 38,970 11-11-94 Toronto hub for recovernet, world's largestrecovery BBS system.
1K_NNET.ZIP 19,937 10-10-94 NightNet! Friendly International E-Mailnetwork.
4CNCBN_2.ZIP 20,316 12-07-94 CBN/4CN Info. Packet. The two bestcomic-related mail nets have merged intoone LARGE network! Over a month in theplanning, 4ColorNet and the ComicBook Nethave pooled their resources to create thelargest comic-related n
ACCNET47.ZIP 11,256 10-23-94 AccessNet - Friendly netmail, in a class byitself.
ASN1294.ZIP 2,307 11-27-94 American Sportsman Network. QWK basedmessage network aimed at those of us whoenjoy hunting and fishing.
BN101594.ZIP 3,365 10-15-94 BitchNet - QWK based netmail system basedon toal free speech.
C2C_1194.ZIP 22,559 11-13-94 City2City NetMail Service. Over 100 of theWorld's best Systems! Reliable & Free.Superb Moderators. Zero Bureaucracy. 100Conferences.
CALV1194.ZIP 38,674 11-13-94 CalvaryNet! For Calvary Chapel &Affiliates. If you attend Calvary Chapel oran affiliated church, relay with us toconnect Calvary Chapels, pastors and thebody of Christ together for fellowship andinformation exchange.
CAP_9410.ZIP 13,685 10-02-94 CAPLink. Offers conferences for theprogrammer whether they are experienced ornot. We also have technical conferences forapplication programs.
CCFN1094.ZIP 32,140 09-12-94 ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network.
CENT9411.ZIP 11,647 11-14-94 Centipede - Poetry, Literature, and You.This network serves all writers, from thebeginner to the experienced.
ELIST410.ZIP1,100,102 10-19-94 International EchoList - Over 1,000conference listings.
FLYAPP.ZIP 65,749 10-17-94 FLYNET is the world's fastest growingaviation oriented network. This filecontains MAKEREQ.EXE, used to makeapplication. Send your application to EdGrossheim (MA Host/Net Coord) aftercompiling the included nodelist.
FUR_BONE.ZIP 3,698 10-07-94 Latest list of all systems connected to theFUR File Distribution Network, as well as anumber of informative files on FurNet.
GENXAPP.ZIP 10,721 10-12-94 Generation_X Info Packet. Come join thenetwork "That Just Wants To Have FUN."
GLOBE_ME.ZIP 41,876 11-05-94 GlobalNet is BACK in Canada full force!Join in on all the fun. Nodes from all overthe world! Australia, France, Poland andthe list goes on! Join today, you won't besorry!
GNET1194.ZIP 62,794 11-13-94 GnetEMS - EXCITING Network with authorsupport conferences and file distributionechoes!
HAWK1194.ZIP 49,072 11-05-94 HawkNet - Join a quickly growing QWK stylemessage network based on general chit chat.
ILL9_94.ZIP 3,390 09-22-94 IlluMiNet Info Pak.
ILNK9412.ZIP 33,853 12-01-94 ILink International NetMail Network Memberlistings!
INEWSKIT.ZIP 36,124 10-14-94 INews Subscription Kit - Free trial Emailsubscription to INEWS. International NewsE-Wire Service (INEWS) is an Englishlanguage daily, covering news of the world.
INFOAPP.ZIP 28,410 09-28-94 InfoNet InterNational(tm) EchoMail NetWorkMembership Application Pkg! Includescurrent InfoNet Nodelist, Policy andApplication Generator for the State ofNevada.
INTERTY.ZIP 47,082 11-22-94 Do you want to give YOUR users an InternetEmail Address? Internet Usenet?International Fido Message echoes? 4-15megs of files a DAY? Starting at 5$ a month!
IN_9410.ZIP 58,801 10-01-94 The Intelec Network Information File. FREE,Friendly, Professional, Active networkcovering a Wide Range of Topics, FromIssues to Tech Support, Entertainment, Life& more!
KOOK1194.ZIP 6,868 11-13-94 Kook-Net Info Packet. Gourmet Cooking QWKNetwork. Devoted to cooking and recipes,and provides author support for Meal Master(and is also available to other recipeshareware authors as well!)
LNET1194.ZIP 6,574 11-02-94 LakeNet Information Package. Join thisfriendly QWK network based in the GreatLakes Region with nodes in France, U.S.A &Canada.
LN_9411.ZIP 4,088 11-13-94 LostNet - Devoted only to having fun.
MILPOL94.ZIP 37,309 11-13-94 MilPolNet, Military and PoliceFidoNet-style BBS network.
MLK1094.ZIP 36,860 10-19-94 MetroLink International Network, the oldestopen QWK compatible PCBoard network in thecountry.
MLP_1094.ZIP 19,989 09-27-94 MLPNET from The NASA MLP BBS in PortOrchard, WA!
MNET1094.ZIP 58,026 10-03-94 MetalNET QWK mail net. The Midwest's onlyall music e-mail net. 11 music conferencesranging from rock, metal, alternative torap and country and just added a conferencdfor listeners and composers of digitalmusic and MTV
NC18_SEP.ZIP 9,083 09-20-94 New adult net - [ No Children Under 18 ]Are you sick of the adult mail nets withstatic BORING blather? Try this! Differentand interesting topics rather than "theusual" ;-)
NETL1194.ZIP 121,250 11-01-94 Netland - Alternative Networks.
NIN_NET3.ZIP 5,389 09-01-94 Ninny-Net Mail Network. Fun based networkfor people who enjoy a little light-heartedconversation.
PP_9411.ZIP 14,249 11-13-94 Passion & Pleasure - Adults' Only E-MailNetwork!
PATHNET2.ZIP 519,496 10-03-94 Pathnet - Canadian based mail net withconferences for people with addictions &other problems.
PEN_9410.ZIP 16,567 10-01-94 Planet Earth Network! Actively coverstopics ranging from environmental to innercity issues.
PLAN1294.ZIP 34,209 12-01-94 PlanoNet Information Packet [12/1/94].
PN1194.ZIP 13,591 11-13-94 PhileoNet. Fellowship. Prayer. Talk.Christian Network Information packet.
PSI1094.ZIP 14,963 10-10-94 PSINet Application. For EARTH lovers.Friendly, E-aware INTERNATIONAL network forusers, sysops, programmers, and those whocare about the environment.
PSY1194.ZIP 6,133 11-10-94 PsyLink Network. Sci-Fi Related Discussion.ST, X-Files, seaQuest, more.
RCVNET12.ZIP 12,353 12-01-94 RecoverNet Info. (12 Step Oriented) Allconferences relating to recovery withprimary emphasis on 12 Step Fellowships.
REALTYA.ZIP 2,809 11-14-94 RealtyNet, a nationwide network of BBSssharing real estate conferences.
ROCKNET.ZIP 5,147 11-13-94 RockNet - Dedicated to open discussions onthe very fine music that has been part ofour culture since the mid-fifties.
RRNET94K.ZIP 4,098 11-07-94 The Rural Route Network. For Canadians fromCoast to Coast!
SAFNET.ZIP 91,284 11-18-94 SAF-Net(sm) Information file withassociated echo and file area files.Includes node number requesting program.
SCOT1194.ZIP 13,217 11-01-94 ScottNet. Conferences listed in this infokit are generally unique and we strive toavoid duplication as much as possible.
SN1294.ZIP 75,184 12-02-94 SeekNet. Professional, Quality Mail Net,compatible with .Qwk, Front-End, & PCPursuit mail transfers. Designed with BOTHthe User and Sysop in mind.
SRNT1094.ZIP 6,784 10-03-94 Sanctified Revolutions Mail Network. Basedin Southern Ontario.
SWP1194.ZIP 4,645 11-10-94 SweepNet Network. Discussing the ins andouts of Sweepstakes and Contests. Sharetips, prizes, entry strategies.
TECH1194.ZIP 12,471 11-10-94 Tech-Net. Need help with a system, programor just want the latest industry scoop? Ifyou answered Yes to the above, then thisInfo Packet is for you!
TGLN1094.ZIP 184,989 10-05-94 The Global-Link Network Inc. General,Vendor Support, Medical Support.
TL941027.ZIP 229,407 10-27-94 The TriLink QWK echo mail network updateand application file.
TYMENET.ZIP 33,864 11-13-94 SysOps! Do you wish to recieve 4-15 megs aday of new files? Over 600 INTERNATIONALMessage areas? UUCP Internet Email for youusers?
UNI229.ZIP 65,027 12-16-94 Information on the U'NI-net Internationalechomail network. Dossier, Application andnode listing.
VEXNOV94.ZIP 11,157 10-31-94 VexNet - Adult Echo Mail Network! SmallAdult Network looking for Nodes & Hubs tojoin us in some "Great" Adult Entertainment!
VSYSINFO.ZIP 35,200 11-15-94 Information Packet+Order Form for VSysop2!
WCNET1.ZIP 34,379 09-26-94 The best little net out there and its FREE!